Our Services

  • Activity Hub
  • Respite/Facility Based Respite
  • Short Term Accommodation/Emergency Accommodation
  • Community Participation
  • SIL – Supported Independent Living

The Activity Hub in Thomastown is an all-inclusive disability hub that aids in choice and control over the individual’s day.

We aim to provide comprehensive support and resources for all individuals with disabilities so they can make informed decisions and have greater control over their lives.

Activity Hub

Respite/Facility Based Respite

At JB Care our short term respite is more than just a break from the everyday, it can assist you to grow your independence and get you out and about in the community. JB Care provides their participants with both respite options. Facility based and community based. Participants can choose either based on their individual need.

Short Term Accommodation/Emergency Accommodation

Short Term Accommodation

Community Participation

Individualized to suit your needs, flexibility & freedom to move & change with your individual choices.

JB Care works with you to support you live the life you dream of. We have a variety of accommodation support options for people. Our aim is to support you to live as independently as possible. By getting to know your likes and dislikes, understanding your interests and most importantly your goals for the future, we can develop the best possible programs to support you.

Our flexible, highly skilled and dedicated team can support you to reach your full potential to live an enjoyable home life.

SIL – Supported Independent Living